Rebalance Your Life
Equine Therapy
Mindfulness Practices
At Rebalance your life we tailor each session to the individually needs of the client.
We may explore Mindfulness techniques that can help with reducing stress and becoming aware of oneself.
Some clients may want to further explore a habit, event or build self-confidence where counselling and working with the horse would be of more benefit.
Other clients may want to delve further into childhood scripting to engage change in their adult thoughts and actions.
We work at your pace and your needs.
The horses help to extend the learning and create safe relationships.
Sessions are held on the farm in individual horse yards, small paddocks and large paddocks.
As no riding is involved, no experience is necessary and there are safety demonstrations for your comfort.
“Each client is encouraged to meet each individual horse, so they may choose whom to work with. Though sometimes.... a horse will choose you.”
Some of the Benefits are: -
- Being out in nature, amongst the horses, birds and trees. Calming environment
- Shining the light on your nervous system's activation - what that means for you
- Having fun experiences and seeing what you may like to bring into your life
- Greater awareness to improve emotional well - being
- Increases social skills and self confidence
- Increase communication skills - plus leaning to read horse signals and their language
- Increased capacity for problem solving (great for Children and Teenagers)
- Practicing new strategies to cope with the sometimes over whelming thoughts and sensations
- Mindfulness practices